* notion crypto wallet *

Use your Notion as a Crypto wallet
with automatic crypto price updates, a balance graph,
and the ability to make transactions through messages.

Use your Notion as a Crypto wallet with automatic price updates, a balance graph,
and the ability to make transactions through messages.

Auto-fetch prices for crypto assets

Auto-fetch prices for crypto assets

Historical graph of your balance

Historical graph of your balance

Informative portfolio analytics

Informative portfolio analytics

Auto-fetch icons for crypto assets

Auto-fetch icons for crypto assets

Use RayCast to add transactions

Use RayCast to add transactions

Use Telegram to add transactions

Use Telegram to add transactions

Received portfolio summary in Telegram

Received portfolio summary in Telegram

Track shitcoins from DexScreener

Add transactions in naturale language

Overview of the template

[image is scrollable]

Evaluate portfolio based on detailed and comprehensive statistics: PnLs, ATH, Allocation, Value * Value PnL.

Receive portfolio summary
in Telegram

Use Telegram
to record transactions

Use RayCast
to record transactions

Analyze your portfolio and transactions using different filters

Stay informed
about how your balance grows over time

Evaluate visually
how your assets are distributed

View the price and price chart
in real-time mode right in Notion

View the price and price chart in real-time mode right in Notion

Stay up to date on how much you have deposited in fiat and the allocation between cryptocurrencies and stablecoins

Keep track of how much money you have transferred from fiat to crypto and how much you have withdrawn

* Become a Rich B/tch *

* Get the complete set of instructions *

for installing scripts
and descriptions of how the template works.

For personal usage only



End Of Year Sale

  • one-time payment

  • lifetime access & updates

  • only for personal use

For you and your crypto bros



End Of Year Sale

  • one-time payment

  • lifetime access & updates

  • to share with your crypto-friends

* Frequently Asked Questions *

Here are some answers

I need to use my 16/24 pass key to import assets?


How did you implement automatic price updates?


Is the price updated in real-time?


If I want to update the prices manually, can I do it?


Can I write messages with transactions in Telegram and RayCast, and will they be added to Notion?


What does receiving a portfolio summary in Telegram mean?


What is a script and how do I run it? On my own computer or in the cloud?


Will I need to pay for anything else to deploy the entire system?


Will updates, improvements, and bug fixes come after purchase?


Can I share the purchased template?


What is your refund policy?


Do you have other wallets, and how are they connected to the crypto template?


If I discover a bug, do I have any additional inquiries or requests? Where should I submit them?

Write all your questions here -> artem@notion-opes.app


2023 * All rights reserved


All rights reserved

Developed by X.com/magomaev

Developed by X.com/magomaev